Our bodies require exercise to maintain our health, happiness, and energy. Especially for children, doctors and professionals suggest that child needs a minimum of 60 minutes of free play. Having enough hours of play, the child can furtherly develop their emotional, mental, and physical abilities. The bottom line for everybody is they should work out a few times every month.
When it comes to working out, many people may think they have no determination or just feel the working out is boring and dull. Although boring some workouts may be, there are still many workouts you can enjoy with your family. These workouts can help maintain your health and energy, and will hopefully bring you and your family tons of fun. A trampoline can always give you an efficient and easy experience. You can tone your body and lose your weight through the repetitive jumping motion. Also, this kind of motion can help you build strong bones and muscle while improving energy and mood levels.
Jumping repetitively on the trampoline is a wonderful thing for the family wants to experience something new. But, for those first timers of the trampoline park, the safety issues can’t be just ignored. The main purpose of your visit to the trampoline park is to get physical fitness, so you won’t be willing to allow some accidents to happen. These accidents may cause injuries and even lead to emergency treating. In order to prevent those unhappy things, we have collected some safety rules for the newcomers in the trampoline park.
9 rules for the trampoline park safety
1. Land on Both Feet
Talking about trampoline park safety, an incorrect landing posture cause the majority of the accident. All jumpers on the pad should land on both of your feet because it is the safest way to protect you from a hip injury and slip. If you land on one foot, your body doesn’t align correctly and there will be fewer stabilizing forces to help you stand stably.
2. You can Ball Up
Although it is commonly considered the safest to land on your feet, you may tend to lose control of your balance sometimes. When this happens accidentally, the next safest thing you should do is tucking your legs inward and the head forward. Through these two countermeasures, you will be in a ball and nothing will be broken off backward awkwardly.
3. Avoid dangerous actions
Because jumpers are easy to hurt their leg, wrist, neck, and even head, while they are flipping, somersaulting, or tricking. So, actions like these are considered dangerous. Sometimes, for some people, they can flip very well without any fears. In this case, you may be allowed to flip, but still, don’t do a double flip. Flipping is very risky itself, a double flip will push this much far. On the one hand, people who can keep a wonderful balance in one flip, are almost impossible to keep a balance between two flips. On the other hand, a single flip already takes away most of the physical strength of the flipper. Another more slip will bring their strength to the end, and that will disable a good balance.
4. Your head can’t land first
In those sever potential injuries, your neck and head are usually involved in. This is not only because your neck and head contain critical elements, but also injuries related to neck and head are more likely to become a life threat. So, landing upside down is a bad ideal and all jumpers should avoid such a performance at all costs. Even if you have already lost control of your body, the only thing you have to make sure is that you land on the pad with other parts of your body, instead of your head.
5. A single tramp just for one person
If you are going to play the trampoline with your friends, each of you should have a separate trampoline. The monitors on site will emphasize this rule before your play. If two people jump on an exact trampoline, they are more likely to get hurt compared to one-on-one. Also, two people will make the bounce more unpredictable. Because all of that padding will fail to protect you when your friends just land on your back intendedly with their elbows.
In some special trampoline parks, they will permit more than one person to jump on the same trampoline at the same time. In this case, you should always be mindful of other jumpers to avoid a collision.
6. Do not overplay
Slow down when you feel tired. Stop immediately if you are exhausted. People are always likely to get injured when they can’t pace themselves properly. If you don’t want to leave the trampoline when you are tired, then you had better give off those big ticks and carry on with some relaxing motions. Just in a word, you are not supposed to do things beyond your ability at that moment.
7. Hold on your fancy
If you have ever seen the trampoline show of the Olympic trampoline athletes on the TV, then you may know those guys on TV can perform amazing things on the trampoline. Most of the people will just take it as a gossip after dinner, but some people tend to do an imitation. One thing we have to know about is that fancy tricks are sourced from fancy daily training. If you didn’t get any professional training, you shouldn’t try the things you are uncomfortable with. Make it clear of the upper limit of your ability, and do not overstretch. Whatever the new thing you want to try, you had better look for professionals’ advice to ease into it by degrees.
8. Mind your wearing
Tight clothes will restrict your movement when you are jumping or making some big tracks in the trampoline park. And this will also disable your control of balance. Visitors who wear sharp objects, jewelry, or hats have to take all these off before they step onto the trampoline. You should also pull out all stuff in your pocket before jumping because anything drop on the padding will be an adding to the risk.
9. Find a trampoline in your size
Visitors must stay in their exact trampoline that suits for their size. For example, kids are prohibited to jump on the trampolines designed for adults. On the one hand, a child isn’t able to bounce off the padding in adult areas. On the other hand, a child is more likely to get hurt when they are jumping the trampoline for the adult. In contrast, the adult shouldn’t jump on the trampolines for kids. The main reason is that the trampolines for children can’t sustain the weight of an adult. Except for this, some overweight individuals should follow the suggested weight wrote on the sign. Then, not only they will not put them into a dangerous situation, but also no damage on equipment will occur.
Trampolining has many benefits both for kids and adults. Put the cardiovascular improvements aside, trampolining can also help you improve your immune system. However, your safety is always the first thing for you and the owners of the indoor playground. It is necessary for every customer to know the trampoline safety rules in advance. Also, you should abide by the instructions given out by field staff. Then, you will be able to stay away from severe injuries and collision.